1991 Dakota 318 TBI Belt Tensioner made of Unobtainium

Ok, I will try and make sure to reach out when the motor comes out.

Here is what the link above pointed to:

I must have found 2 of the other five peoplke in the country that a '91 Dakota with a 318. My tensioner also went out about a month ago. I called every parts store in my area (NH, not really that many!), I called 18 junk yards, I called 3 large Dodge dealers across the country who did nation wide searches, I even called Chryler customer service in Canada and had them do a nation wide search. This part is not available any where!
The good news is this: Tim Austin of Austin Automotive here in Fitzwilliam went to a couple parts store and went through about 100 tensioners and came up with something that works. What he bought is Gates Tensioner, number 89217. The tensioner bolted in without modification, but the pulley had to be changed because it was an interior style, had grooves. If you do this you might need a slightly shorter belt. The travel range seems to be slightly offset from what came stock. However, it is installed on my truck and working!
What size belt