Why I don’t let others drive my race car

Don't any of these barrowers pay for what they break? You could bet your *** if I broke something I barrowed I'd have cash in hand to replace it.

Not in my case. They didn’t offer and I didn’t ask. I forgot one that really really pissed me off. I had a favorite timing light that I really really trusted. A good friend asked if he could borrow it at the track and against my better judgment loaned it to him. This guy is a college educated mechanical engineer so he isn’t an idiot but I nicely told him to please make sure the wires weren’t laying on his headers. Yep he melted those damn wires like he tried his hardest to do it on purpose. He bought me another used one off eBay and gave it to me. I just bought a new one a month ago so my search for a timing light I trust is starting all over again.