440 Source Head Opinions?

Why would they sell stroker kits and then have stock flowing cylinder heads? They should have an option for a high flowing cylinder head as well


Let us consider ".....speak the same language." As we are both communicating in English we are speaking the same language even if it may not be our native tongue. So it must be something else eh? What could it be? Perhaps a difference in the quantitative amounts of "....stock flowing cylinder heads..." and "......high flowing cylinder head......". As I gave you a link to CNC ported Stealth and the CNC 240 Trick Flow heads on 440 Source website I assume you feel those are equivalent to "stock flowing cylinder heads"(?) and not high flowing cylinder heads.`Therefore we don't speak the same language on cylinder heads.

Second, As per post #45, we don't speak the same language on where we receive our value or how we value others.

I wish you a safe, pleasant and prosperous day. Jim La Roy (IQ52)