opinions wanted

Have a 68 dart post car. It has the Gts stipes on the back already. Bought it that way. My / Is should I put the Gts hood on it or not? I'm not sure myself. It's not a Gts and I don't say it is ut would like some opinions on this please. know in the end it's my choice but thanks. BobT.
Welcome aboard Bob!

Your car your way! The bottom line is, what do you want your car to end up looking like? While the cost difference between a standard and GT cars can be a bit wide, dressing up the standard model to look like the upgraded or top level car is done often and not a big thing.

Trying to pass one off as such is the bad thing. As in lie about it.
Trying to sell the standard dressed up as the upgraded model as if it was the upgraded model is a terrible thing and IMO, a crime.

Bottom line! Again, your car your way. Just make sure you enjoy it!