usps strikes again

Ship with a Fedex account, it'll knock 33% off the price. Better yet, (hear me out here) sell it on ebay with an obscure listing link you send the buyer (yeah yeah, with all its fees) and then ship with their shipping service options. Its crazy cheap, like "how can they charge so little" cheap. In the end I think the Ebay option will be the cheapest even with all the extra fees. To see these deelpy discounted rates tells me the carriers are F'n the little guy to the difference of anything over what the Ebay rates are showing, ie 'wholesale' rates. I think I was looking at a $60 USPS shipping quote and the same Ebay shipping service quote was like $16. WTH? When the post office sponsors the US bicycling team in the early 2000's and they are still raising rates? Its all those other players (amazon, ebay, DHL, etc) that are keeping the USPS heads above water. My buddy has worked there (USPS) for 25+ years as a dock receiver. He receives 3-4 trucks in an 8 hour 'C' shift (2200-0600?) and all he does when a truck comes in is: record the seal number, cut and open the lift door, hook the 4-6 wagons to the little tractor and has someone pull them out, occasionally hell have to drive the train. Then he rolls 4-5 wagons in, drops the door, records the new seal and seals the door shut and sends the truck on. All this takes about 10 minutes! Then he goes back to the lounge, watches Sportscenter for another 2 hours and does it again. Sometimes he gets 2 trucks at the same time...Oh ****! He's gained 100 lbs in 25 years.