Do not sell to list

There are, unfortunately, a certain percentage in the hobby that think there's an easy/simple answer for everything. Or they want to hear the easy way out in their mind is OK, then get angry when You're opinion doesn't appease that, lol!
As far as selling/purchasing issues, I had one member ignore My PM & post in-thread, it was $$$ OBO..... I was relatively local and offered $10 less cash & I'd pick it up, no need to package it up etc.....crickets....I alerted them to another party's interest, nuthin'. Had other stuff I may have purchased they were sittin' on, (abandoned project), F'em....on My D-bag list. I don't want anything bad enough to deal with 'em.
Another had an item, in-state, made an offer for 1st price reduction to incl. Shipping. Sent Me a PM they couldn't do it, "secret bidding war" all of a sudden. When pushed about the incomplete nature of the setup, the price ended up -$75 shipped from My offer, as they dropped the $ not once did I get a PM... I knew which parts were missing when I made My offer, lol......F'em....
I have dealt with Kim & many others here on FABO, rarely is there an issue, We have a great community here by & large. For that, Thx FABO! But yes now I have a very small list.