usps strikes again

Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution
That's it, there is no law about home delivery. It's 100% a courtesy.
You are not paying tax dollars to have mail delivered to you either.
There is a such a thing as a mail delivery manual, but because there is no laws that state that delivery to a home is a right or entitlement so it can be cut at any time.
The fact that there is law like this is how UPS, FEDEX and others can deliver to your home.
The NALC has tried to fight the cutting of mail routes, and establishing of routes for years.
The 3 towns I live near has zero home delivery. If you want your mail, you walk to the post office and get it.

It not about rights or entitlements. It's a service that's being paid for.

The article in the constitution your referring to isn't even close to defining or outlining actual door delivery of packages.

There's hit and miss info on the inspector generals website that refers to no door delivery on new routes. Seems most places are going to gang boxes. But specifically lists door to door as a mode of delivery when there is no centralized delivery available.