Don't do this to your children

90% of my stuff is not "knick-knacks".

It has a real value and a good value if a moderate amount of research is done.

My heirs have been advised to take some time and look stuff up, but to to take a realistic price rather than top dollar (even 50% of what they find, for a quick sale).

In reality, they could scrap all my car and shop stuff and get 10-20K, but if they spent a few hours per week, they'd likely get close to 75K or more.

They could sell my music and audio stuff for about 5K to a wholesaler, or spend a few hours per week and get closer to 30K.

Same with my other hobby stuff.

They are smart enough to know which works best for them.

They'll get the house and it will be paid off so that will be a plus.