Yes, Canadians get the shaft get to live right next door to the most powerful nation (militarily) in the world. So the Canadian government doesn't have to spend billions of dollars on their military budget which saves you guys money on civilian taxes. We love you guys and we appreciate the fact that your country is a democratic nation, giving us a buffer zone in the North!!! Your nation protects us in the North and we in turn protect ya'll!!! Let me know if I've made some improper analogies???
First off, no longer a democratic nation with Blackface Hitler driving the tank. Now they will pass a law about independent media that exposed the Left Dishonourable Prime Peckerhead of Canada, daesh Dustbin Turdo's road apples during the truckers Freedom Convoy and then how the three or four MEPs dressed him down. That after at least 75% got up and walked out before his BS speach so they did not get their ears filled with brown matter. Now 3 or 4 out of the full seats of the European parliament of almost 400, would be a small percentage. But when 75 to 80% walked out, that left only at most 100 that kind of listened. So that is 3 to 4% that ripped him a new rectum. How many others sat there and thought "what an asshole"?This shitwad needs to be dunked head first down the outhouse hole! His popularity has already fallen in.
Then there is the case of Eyore from New Zealand!