1/4 glass installation on 68 Dart

I downloaded the 67 and 69 service manuals and read over the installation instructions. Both years show the same instructions. The manual mentions removing the spring clips from the regulator roller studs. It also says to "Remove regulator arm studs for rollers."

I take that as meaning the studs that the rollers mount to are removeable from the mechanism itself. On my 68, the roller studs are permanantly attached to the mechanism. I can take the plastic rollers off but the studs can't be removed. Am I reading it wrong or are the 68 mechanisms different? Does anyone have a 68 manual to look at and see if it's worded the same way?

Does anyone have other instructions for installation? I have the mechanism installed as well as the front track and rear stabalizer. I'm wondering how I'm going to get the mechanism rollers installed at the same time as the two rollers on the front track. I took this apart back in 2013 so....help please!