Shop layout recommendations?

All great suggestions that I’ve read here so far. That said, here’s the story to clear up a few things. My wife and I are selling our farm (closing next week) and therefore I’m losing my two shops/garages. This project is redoing a dilapidated old shed on dads farm for my brother and I to use until we get a shop built at our new place. Once my new shop is built, we’ll still use this shop some, since my brother lives just down the road from dads but majority of work will be done in my new shop. We’ll be running power and water over from dads primary barn. I’d considered radiant heat in the floor, but since we’re trying to get this done as cheaply as possible (more details in the videos in my original thread) we’re going to forego that in this shop and use a wood stove for now, and propane heat later.
You can’t afford to skip this step. The PEX is cheap and you can add the remaining components later. I insulated around my foundation and under the floor. I heat a 1250 square foot building with a small on demand water heater. I doubt I have much over $1500 in the entire heating system including the PEX.