Shop layout recommendations?

You'll be glad you put in the bathroom... Put in a small pit & drain for washing vehicles... Really makes it nice washing vehicles in the winter... add a large cement approach outside... (to wash things off or do a quick job outside...) Deep sink out side bathroom for washing greasy hands or cleaning up parts... Possibly water spigot on drain end for washing vehicles...possibly a water spigot on outside of shop...220 for welder... Put in PLENTY of electrical plug ins & AIR drops... Can never have enough of either..Put in Plenty of lights. Don't know how high your ceiling is? My shop is tall enough for lift...( I went with 4 post lift)(Can drive another vehicle underneath a raised vehicle)...I have a small loft...That's where compressor & hot water heater are located along with some storage cabinets for paint & misc ...bathroom & small office (computer) are under the loft. LP Gas furnace hangs from the ceiling. I also have a wood furnace in one corner that gets used practically every day fall thru springtime here in NE Iowa.( Insurance Company was fine with this.) I put in one 14'x20' overhead door & one 36" walk in door. My main shop is 40'x40'x16'...My cold storage is same size with 14'x20' overhead door between the two halves.The cold side is where my cars are kept. It is just spray foamed liner installed. Good Luck... Have Fun...