440 Source Head Opinions?

So you support China? Would you if you could rather buy American made products?

I think we all would but I’ll give you an example of where I was 20-30 years ago. Up till that point I ran mostly stock junk because I couldn’t afford Venolla Pistons, Calais Cranks, or 1400.00 rods. At the time I’d gone 9.80’s but wanted to go quicker so I bought a lightweight Daytona. Soon I wanted to go faster again and along came 440source. Bingo I could finally afford the needed parts to go faster on a budget. Up till that point everytime I went to rebuild my engine my stock crank had cracks in them so on the scrap pile they went. Sure it was cheap and easy to grab another stock crank and have it magnifluxed, polished or cut, and then rebalanced to my assembly weight. But soon those cranks weren’t available for 50.00 any more and machine shop prices were climbing so I bought a 500 stroke assembly and beat the piss out of it. Today it is still cranking out rpm in a street car. So if you want to Think I’m a “bad man” I can live with that. Bash on.