Camshaft swap

I would call Hughes engines and ask what they have for available cams. If possible, coin wise, a switch up to a 1.6 rocker would keep the lift up high. On a street car, the lift isn’t so super important, though I totally get the want of using all the lift you can get with a well done head. It’s something I say to do a lot. It’s it the end of the world if you don’t and leave lift on the table.

Also see if you can get a Cometic gasket to drop the compression ratio. Yes I know you’ll loose the quench. But that is also not a huge thing when backing it down for the street. It’s great if you have it or can get it but at your current ratio, you’ll need to loose at least one full point of compression to use pump 93. Even more so with a smaller cam trapping more air.

IMO, you can still get an effective street engine out of this mill configuration.