Moving a shed.

yea they worked out nicely.. best part is i'm not taxed on them, if i move i can sell them or move them to where i'm going.. of if i just sell everything car related i can sell them. right now i could make money on them. they are almost twice what i paid for them just before covid..

That's what I heard doesn't affect your property taxes as long as they are Portable Sheds, no cement slab under them.

They have a 12x35 down here in FL for like 12,500, that I kind of like the looks of, like the little deck area on the front and supposed to be able to support a car in them.

Nice deal, cause if things change you can sell or move them. They bring them in with a truck.

Kind of like the 2x4 interior framework for fastening and doing wiring, unlike the steel frame garages.

Same might even be easier to Air Condition the wood structure vs the steel frame and skin buildings. Steel buildings are like a frying pan in the direct intense sunlight. Thoughts? Comments?
