When you pay $1200 for an AAR hood, you expect more from Stinger Fiberglass

I'm waiting on a hood from AAR/Stinger right now. I placed my order after this thread was started and I was very hesitant to do so. After calling six places only two made the hood and the other place had worse reviews.

My experience so far:

Placed the order over the phone. Women taking the order was great. Very friendly. Said no less than 4 times not to sign for the shipment until I inspected it.

Received invoice almost instantly. Then received a shipping notice much sooner than I expected.

Went to pick up the hood and saw very little damage to the box. There is a giant red/orange sticker on the box that says to inspect for damage before signing and accepting. I throughly inspected the hood and everything looked great. No chips or damage anywhere. Then I noticed it was the wrong hood. I regected the shipment. I called them and left a message explaining what happened. Monday morning I called again and they were already trying to take care of it. Very apologetic. Recieved a new shipping notice this week which I thought was impressive.

We will see how the new (hopefully correct) hood is.

This thread has blown up pretty good. I'm not saying it was handled correctly by AAR. But I do wonder how it would have turned out if the OP inspected it and rejected it due to the damage.

I picked up the Replacement hood today. Packaging was the same as last time. Large box stapled together. Each corner of the hood having a piece of cardboard formed and stapled to the box. Not much to it.

Hood and scoop both are damage free.

My experience with AAR was great aside from the first hood being the wrong one. They rectified that in a timely fashion.