Braided SS vs. Hard Line

A small data point. A flex brake line in my 1996 Plymouth developed a leak. It had been rubbing against the aluminum engine cradle which wore thru the stainless weave, then the inner liner swelled and burst like a blood vessel aneurism. The plastic liner appeared perhaps light blue but could have been Teflon. It was in a location very hard to see, so took a while to figure out where the leak was, first thinking at the ABS block where the brake fluid flowed down to. In modern cars, they put a flex section below the Master Cylinder (MC) about 16" long, I presume to limit flexing the steel tubes as the car body slightly moves, though seems a strange need to me. I think they coiled the factory tubes at the MC in our cars for the same reason, unless it was to provide extra tubing for failures when replacing the MC, but doubt they would be so thoughtful.