Charging System Question

Back to our cars.

The point is that whenever the regulator senses voltage below set point its going to directly connect the wires.
Current flow on a '64 with just engine running would look like this.

Now we install an ORielly 7007 '60 amp' alternator that draws 6.2 Amps (at 14 Volts? )

What's this doing?
Besides putting more load on the field wires and connections, its diverting more of the alternator's output just to power the field.
Maybe that's OK, but maybe not at idle rpms when the battery wants to be recharged, and the brakes lights are on, along with other stuff?
I think at the very least its damaging regulators not designed for that much load.

The point is to do the field draw test.
First make sure there isn't a short to ground.
Then loosen the alternator enough you can turn the pulley by hand.
Using a meter that can measure a few amps, set it to the 10 amps scale and alligator clip it like this.
Be super careful not to let either clip touch ground.