Magazine Mistake

It is not unusual for magazines to make mistakes, or lie, some of them fairly major. A couple I remember from the '70's
1....(Car Craft) Project whatever it was called 32. This was a series of articles, like "Project X" At some point they took the car to a shop to build a driveshaft, you know, a "professional," an "expert." HE CUT THE TUBE on the driveshaft, PUT CARDBOARD INSIDE, and welded the tube back together
2....I wish I had this. This was a small "boxes" with borders item way way WAY in the back of one of the magazines. What it said, essentially, is that "sometimes when we test cars" "and we think the fuel, the tires, the state of tune, the driver's sobriety, etc etc etc..........was not optimum, WE CHANGE THE STRIP TIMES TO MAKE THEM BETTER"

So there you have it. They make mistakes, and they lie. But you knew that, right?