Place your bets, what will it run

Well... I got to test and tune... got the carb mostly sorted out. Couple more tweaks and it should be pretty nice. Swapped the 4.30 gears out for 3.55s. Just so I wouldn't spin the crap out of the engine.
4,000ft base elevation - 4994ft DA @ 62°f
First run 11.63@121 (2.05 60ft)- according to spectators it was roasting the 28x9 pro bracket radials for the first 100ft. Along with the obvious fueling issues (lots of stuttering) not that great.
2nd run Changed jets from 78f 95r to 81f 95r also had to roll into the throttle
[email protected] much better. But still 1.87 60ft still stuttering/missing
3rd run , upped secondary to 98s (might as well see) it absolutely hated it.
11.48@119 1.76 60ft
4th run - changed jets 85f 95r double checked float Levels and fuel pressure.
11.008@125 1.76 60ft much better.. still rolling into the throttle, I want clean fueling before I mess with suspension.
5th run - all the same settings, just checked tire pressure and returned it to 17psi. Rolled into the throttle just a little faster. A very slight hesitation at 6000rp, few more fueling tweaks and it should be good enough to start on suspension tuning.
[email protected]