Are ratrods stupid or is it just their owners?

Ratrodding is a culture in its self. Mostly family oriented. These guys actually drive their cars unlike, I hate say a good majority of the hobby that drive to the parking lot and pop the hood. When I say they drive their cars, I mean they drive their cars. You will usually see them caravan to an event with several trucks pulling empty trailers. Yes, they do have breakdowns. However if someone breaks every stops to help out. The trailer is the last resort.

I’ve seen that most of the enthusiast are in their mid 20s through the mid 40s. Given the state of the car hobby it’s refreshing to see the younger folks participate in the car scene no matter what they drive.

I’ve run with few of them and can say they are a good bunch so before you critique them in a negative way may hang with them. Actually a fun group.