Older guys will understand this pic!

My Pinto Story: I was dating this blonde that drove a real nice Light blue Pinto. She came down to spend the night one weekend. This was back in the late 70's, This was in the partying days, alcohol and weed. She left the next morning, she called me about an hour later (she had to drive about 35 miles), her Pinto had quit running. I went up to the next town and picked her up and went back to her car. I tried to turn it over, but it wouldn't turn. I checked the oil-OK, battery was about new, then I noticed a little piece of masking tape over the oil light on the dash. I asked her what this was for, she replied( we were riding around the other night getting stoned and this little red light came on-it was real annoying, so I put a piece of tape over it. Engine was locked up, assuming oil pump or drive went out. I asked her how long she had been driving it like that, she said 3 or 4 days. Her dad wasn't too happy.
