How fast would you like to go.

We had a fun stock block W5 combo….. had a couple blocks, 2 sets of heads, but those castings made our program go sour. Ended up selling 30 years of accumulated mopar parts and went the R3/W8 route. Overall our combo is quite soft, but has netted us a best of 5.77 (1/8) and a 9.10 (1/4). The 8 sec carrot is dangling there, but we just don’t have the mph numbers to grab that slip. We’ll keep running the combo, but if something happens to it we’re done and I’ll go back to our “spare” iron head 360. High 10 low 11 point and shoot combo. Prob done racing until September (mopar race in Sacramento) unless I sneak over to Irwindale or Barona. Vegas won’t race at night anymore and it’s just to stupid hot during the day there.