On the Road

Good stuff! What kind of hours were you getting?

Haha! This was a serious let down. We were only getting 12’s. Typically we give/get 14’s for cover engines. 16’s on fires. Texas State Forest Service was who we were running times through and they would only authorize 12’s and 14 for fires.
It sucks because we do 10 hour days at home so we only got two hours overtime on non-Fire days.
For the Kings Ranch fire we got two full 14 hour OT days with Hazard Pay and the third day we went out to the line and immediately got released. No H. On a CalFire or USFS fire you get H pay in that situation.
It will definitely be a good paycheck but in a different location we could have gotten 2 more hours OT everyday so we missed out on 16 hours OT. On the fire days we missed out on the hour before and after shift that accounts for drive time in and out.
The extra pay is already spent on the ‘73 340 Duster and my D100. It’s amazing how when you get a certain distance to the finish line little things start popping up and costing a lot of money.