RIP 66 Barracuda

You can hear his tire temps coming up as he entered his second lap, rear tire was getting a bunch of grip and the car had no forward bite and the weight didn't transfer in time because of the forward bite , brakes didn't go away, just no forward transfer.. wow, looked good on his first pass, he didn't let it roll threw that curve.
That said I sure hated to see the damage happen, I prefer cones with an areas to slide or push in to..

Just another man's opinion.. love auto crose.

Makes sense!

I had an issue last year with my new acquisition where the front brakes would lock with no warning and with little pressure. Especially as I hit bumps with the brakes applied. Turns out the adjustable prop valve was setup full-front (easier burnouts), so as I crested any bump the loss in force would let the tires lock and as the springs loaded up after the bump they stayed locked. Scary, because it was like a lightswitch at times. Brake and traction balance really matters, it turns out!