"Baselining" my 225

As requested, some carb and air cleaner pics. To me, a total newbie, there seem to be a LOT of plugged ports. I guess if this was stock on an ~'80-ish engine, it could have had a whole lot more EPA crap on it versus a '65?
Air cleaner base is hacked up. Air filter fits but doesn't seem like the correct size.
There's a manual choke and it operates properly, but the car doesn't seem to like it when I use it from stone cold. Seems to start better if I just pump the gas a couple of times. It likes about 15-20 seconds to warm up before going into gear.
Let me have it....what kind of mess do I have here and what would you change to fix it? Car seems to run OK. Haven't had it long enough to check gas mileage.

air cleaner.jpg air cleaner bottom.jpg
carb #s.jpg
carb2.jpg carb3.jpg carb4.jpg throttle linkage.jpg