My 2 Year Old $2500 Compressor Just Died

More accurately, the beef is with people who shop only based on price (about 90%+ of shoppers).

I can personally attest that overseas producers don't build what you tell them to - they build what they build, and you're going to pay for it one way or another. If a domestic dealer finds out there's non-conforming material, they're now stuck with paying the bill regardless (under penalty of having to compete directly with the overseas supplier who WILL bring your exact item to market if you refuse or return parts) and not having any supplies with which to complete their production. So the choice is buy again and hope for better, or discontinue that item and try to re-vamp with new sourcing which can take years to establish. In the meantime, every retailer and dealer is demanding their shipments and if the manufacturer fails to deliver they can basically kiss their company goodbye.

The root cause is of course the off-shoring of procurement, but walmart-itis in customers is the motivation.

"They" may eventually bring that product to market anyway.

Yet none...NONE of the manufacturers even consider for an instant to reduce their own salary and offer a US sourced product, rather than trying to pass all of the associated cost increases to the consumer, despite decades of proof that the market won't buy a significantly higher priced, US made product even if the quality is better.

This is NOT the consumer's fault.

This is Corporate America's fault.

Yes the consumer is a willing accomplice, but the power lies with the manufacturer.
If there is no locally sourced, competitively priced product to purchase, the consumer is basically powerless.