A833 no shift

Thanks for the advice AJ and Duggie! I'll do some testing when I visit the car later today or tomorrow.

I took it around the block about a week ago and noticed that it does creep when in gear with the clutch in. Car actually moves very slowly.
I'm leaning towards a dragging input shaft/pilot bushing as a possibility.

The one common item carried over from the 3 speed to the 4 speed is the 10" clutch! It was very hard to shift the 3 speed and difficult to get into first gear too.

Does anyone know the exact I.D. of an early (1964) /6 crank register? @Charrlie_S

If I could find a roller bearing that would fit, I'd be very happy with that. I'm pretty sure the later Magnum engine truck bearing won't work.

Picture is the fatigued original 1964 z-bar and 64-65 shifter vs. regular Hurst. The early shifter tower angle and internals are different than a later one.
I have a video of the clutch linkage in action that I can directly send someone if interested but I'll post current pictures later.


