Will it drive? Lawnmower carb on V8 lol

It seems to fairly well, wish he did a before and after 0-60 mph to how much performance was loss. Funny little experiment.
At 5:09, "One of the main concerns that I keep reading that people have, other than calling me an idiot for trying this…" No, he's not an idiot for trying this. He's an idiot for installing red lights on the front of his car—those dumb "demon eye" things on the Chinese headlite-shaped trinkets he's installed. Red light facing front is illegal everywhere (except on police/fire/ambulance vehicles), but never mind what some smelly ol' lawbook says; think about the really good reason why it's illegal: causing any amount of confusion as to the direction your car is facing is an incredibly, remarkably dumb thing to do.

So props to the guy for his fabrication work and stuff, but.