Wife and I hord canned food and on the hoof and ammo for small game. We store extra water for emergencies.

We are getting there. We can, hoard, learn the old ways, buy property .... My wife and I had grandparents like you but our parents were/are somewhat of the typical Baby Boomer type (Government has your best interests in mind, All the bad things are someone else's fault, as long as you just pay your bills and taxes everything in the world will work out, orange man bad).
We decided we didn't want to teach our kids those things. In my line of work I see the very real possibility of death routinely, I am a combat vet who has seen too much death, and I have a very real fear of death due to carcinogenic chemical exposures.
Nothing calms my fear like a day of teaching my son skills and praising God. I know that I will die some day and be delivered from this earthly suit. I will not worry for my son's future either.

@tinman2 No worries. I actually erased that post because I didn't know how people would receive the message and I'm not the best articulator at times.
What I was trying to say is enjoy your memories of the past but don't tear down other's who just happened to come after you. There has been that attitude here with this one and posts like it.
I am not trying to poop on memories of cherry bombs in toilets and baseball cards in bicycle spokes. Just saying don't blame the Gen X,Y, Millennials for everything bad in the world today. That's tribalism and every generation has it's good and bad. There are some amazing young people today.
I mean, Klaus Schwaab and George Soros are in their 80's or 90's and they are more responsible for how our world looks today than anyone else alive.