RIP 66 Barracuda

If I had the time, space, knowledge, and equipment I would just bring it home. Even if I had the time, space, and equipment I would bring it home.
So I had something similar. I had my '67 Barracuda in a shop since I was working out of state. It dragged out and the clincher was when I took a couple days so I'd have a long weekend to work on the car after they had the new engine in. When it wasn't ready because the owner had some Trans-Am cars from bigger customer, I asked if they had a flatbed service they worked with. Kept it business like but that was it. They got the new engine installed but not even fully bolted up. Had it flat bedded to my garage and that's where it sat. Made a seperate trip to pick up the old engine after buying a stand and borrowing a cherry picker so I could unload it.

There are other shops and people if you can't tackle all that's left yourself. In my case its was months before I could get to it, but that's how it got done in a small garage I rented about 4 blocks from my house.