Paint Guys - PPG Shopline??



Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
West Sacramento, CA
For the paint guys on here, I'm curious what your thoughts are on PPG Shopline SS urethane. Is it a decent paint? Does it cover well?

I've read some horror stories about needing many coats for proper coverage using Shopline paint. I'm looking into doing a white finish over a white 2k sealer, so I'm hoping I won't have any issues with coverage, but I haven't done much painting.
Buy the good stuff, as you stated you haven’t done much painting so the probably of doing a scuff and buff is relatively high. Two coat’s will get it covered three will give you something to sand and buff with out having issues with coverage.
here's my last job results
DSCN1768 (1).JPG
I use the Shopline with good coverage. I use the base coat/clear coat but, no problems with coverage with the exception of the normal colors that don't cover well.


I use the base coat/clear coat but, no problems with coverage with the exception of the normal colors that don't cover well.

Those look awesome! What colors don't cover well?? Red? Probably a stupid question, but how does white normally cover?
If your going white over a light primer it should cover well. The A-4 Dart in the above picture did not cover well at all. Using a super light color primer under white can also give you a false sense of coverage. I would recommend using a medium gray primer under it. I have used WW1 white in shopline and it covered well.



If your going white over a light primer it should cover well. The A-4 Dart in the above picture did not cover well at all. Using a super light color primer under white can also give you a false sense of coverage. I would recommend using a medium gray primer under it. I have used WW1 white in shopline and it covered well.

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That looks great!! I appreciate the input. The guy at the paint supply store recommended the JP361 white sealer as the substrate for the finish, though I could always go with the light gray version.

Right now, I'm just buying a quart to do the jams and trunk so I can get the car back together and drivable. Thanks again for your tips.
I think a solid white over a white primer should not be a problem but I'll be honest I'm not familiar with shop line. I have used PPG Omni in a blue metallic (not in the avatar to left) and it was horrible! I ended up spraying 7 coats before it looked like it had covered in the lights of the booth. When I got it in the sun, the door jamb overspray showed up! I do things totally different since that that experience, like cover jambed areas with masking paper and doing a solid sealer or primer like you are talking about doing.
Look at the mustang in this picture along door to fender crack. All of this was painted in one session but the act of painting the door hinge area and the edges caused extra paint in those areas. A paint with more pigment would have covered in 2-3 coats and not done that.
Any other reviews on this paint? I'm using it to paint the engine bay but am a little weary of using it on the exterior.

I've read some reviews that the basecoat can fade after UV exposure but I feel like it's the clear's job to keep the basecoat from fading. Maybe it's safe to use their base with a different type of clear for better protection?