Recommendations for mail order transmission?

My 727 (340) is toast. Any recommendations for mail order companies?

Local places are not an option as i dont have the time to remove drop off and pick up amd reinstall
Looking to drop and replace in 1 day.
Hey buddy. Long time no speak.

What happened to the transmission?
This would be a key thing to know before I recommend anything. Part of the issue is, did it pollute the converter with metal shavings? Another thing is the engine hopped up? How big of a cam? What kind of power are you making?


This is the route I took on my wife’s and my own 904. I told him what I was doing and he said OK. He’s not that far away. Just south of the Deer Park train station. P.S., FB was a local legend when I was a teenager. He has been doing this a long time and is still doing this.

When Pro Torque was in Medford, I took the 5 minute drive and spoke with Joe. I told him everything about the cars and the intended usage. He set me up on both converters right quick. Excellent work and results.