!!!UNBELIEVABLE!! Got out of the local DMV successful and alive!!!

LOL. In the mid 70's a then friend of mine acquired a 1944 Kenworth bus, like a city bus, front engine. Air brakes. It had a 383 Chrysler swapped in, with a 5 speed and 2 speed brownie. When we first drove into the then owner's yard, around the barn, and saw the the thing, someone said (it was gray) "My gawd, it's a ship!!" I said, "yeh a ship WRECK!!!" and we named it the "Edmond Fitzgerald" on the spot.

the side story is, that on the way home, some 50 miles, --and we knew NOTHING about air brakes--all I knew is you had to have air pressure. This thing did not have "dynamiters" --the spring parking / emergency brakes--if you lost air you had NOTHING> Turns out it liked to throw the belt. He ran right through a stop sign at low speed on a back roads intersection, luckily there was no traffic. There was a "down hill up hill" called "Granite Hill" on the way home. I informed him WE WILL stop, makes sure the air is topped off and the belt looks OK before we go down that!!!

Anyhow, later I traded him out of it. This bus had been used by the Jehova's Witnesses for a church/ fair / mobile kitchen. Had a big range, pizza oven, and big long counter/ drawer unit, and overhead lighting. It made a GREAT little "shop" and storage for me then--I was in a 10 x 55 trailer.

The thing had not been transferred for about the last two owners. I wanted to get plates on it and get it "straight." Had a stack of papers about 3/8" thick

Went down (about 1980?) to the DMV, and the old biddies down there hemed and hawed and thought up excuses, and finally decided I needed to pay several years of PROPERTY TAXES on it because of the license lapse

I told them "Look, I'm here trying to fix all this. I haven't owned this but for a few weeks, it's the LAST THREE owners you need to find if you want taxes."

So they hemmed and hawed some more and finally decided they would just "forgo" the taxes, and I actually got plates for the thing.

Yet another side story, is when I sold it, I drove it, followed by the buyer, about 50 miles into the same area from which my friend had originally bought it. I did not realize the stupid speedo was about 20 mph slow. I could not figure out why he would not keep up with me, and it turned out I was doing well over 70---in a then 55 zone

Looked similar to this