Offer the neighbor lady 500 a month for use of her garage. Just use it for over flow work and in progress storage as you are waiting for parts.

Do the main down and dirty work at your home garage. Keep things neat and picked up outside and at your neighbors place.

Do an overkill on fire prevention, don't have an accident waiting for a place to happen.

Keep doing what your doing.

Yes I started my own body shop business In my mid 20s on pretty much no money but owning a garage and shed. Had a good local bank to help bridge the lean times. Made a success out of it.

66 now and only worked out 4 years of my adult life, have always been self employed. Have enjoyed multiple different self employed careers and it all started with my autobody business. Having a good shop and storage shed were useful resources to have as the next businesses came to be.

With the economy and political scene all screwed up right now, being your own boss is golden.

Make a plan, and work the plan, follow your gut, you will do fine.

Things change with time. You are on your feet now and as things change you can change, thinking of your one foot on the path with your body shop.


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