Found: 1970 Dart Custom GT A65 code Burnt Orange 318 3 spd on the floor

So, a local guy put this dart up for sale and I'm trying to do some homework on the car. I physically looked at the car 2 days ago. From what I can tell, there were not many (I saw one figure of 903 for 70 and 71?) and the GT option included bucket seats (340 style in 70 and standard in 71) and the GT emblems, and that's it! The car is rough but seems pretty complete and believed to be numbers matching. It has the 8 3/4 (3.23) but not a sure grip according to the build sheet (at least 2 build sheets and fender tag still there). This car seems pretty special, but it is a 318 3 speed as opposed to a 340 4 speed, so theoretically lower on the desirability scale. Still, if the mopar community deems this car as historically important to a degree where the car should really find a home that can give it the high-quality restoration it deserves. All that said, how big a deal is this car anyway...anyone have knowledge of the 70 Dart GT?