Found: 1970 Dart Custom GT A65 code Burnt Orange 318 3 spd on the floor

I love 70 GTs. There, I said it! I have tried to find production figures on these for years. I can't even find good figures for all the 70 LH23 cars - 2 door Dart Customs - and all the GTs are Customs with the A65 option added. I don't know where the 5000 vehicles number came from, but I think that's a guess and a bad one at that.

Here's my 1970 Dart GT in progress:
DSC02794.JPG DSC01262.JPG DSC01806.JPG DSC02375.JPG

Perhaps some of the absolute best things about these cars is that:
1) you almost never see them - I hate going to a show to find other cars just like mine.
2) since a lot of people see no value in them, no one bitches when you build the car the way YOU want to make YOURSELF happy!!! Like someone said earlier, it's the HOBBY I enjoy. I'm not building the damned thing to sell and make money.

I'm building this car specifically to do looong distance road trips... thousands of miles at a shot.

The "H" in LH23 is for High - this is the high end trim option for both Customs and GTs - nicer fancier interior (dash trim all the way across to the far end of the glove box in fake wood grain - nicer door panels that match the stitch pattern in the seats (even 340 Swingers don't have it) and stainless door panel trim strips where the others are just painted. GTs are not just bucket seat cars, but bucket seat/ console cars.