I did something stupid

Brokers. There are the companies that own their own trucks or have contract driver, that can quote a price. God for usually 24 hrs.
Then there are the brokers that give a price and then look for a hauler. Many times they "can't" find a hauler to do the job for the prie they quoted. BS.
In this age of stupid fuel $ getting any price for more than 24 hrs would be tough???
I see "buyrs remorse" her maybe. Anyway. Carryon!!!!!
Oh, I'm sure I'll regret it, no matter what I do. First mistake was buying the car. Second was actually believing a single word anyone said. Third was accepting the current shipping price. Fourth was not just walking away before now. Fifth was deciding to not start pouring booze down my throat and spend yesterday, today, all weekend, and probably most of next week in a stupor.