Found: 1970 Dart Custom GT A65 code Burnt Orange 318 3 spd on the floor

Very cool!

I'm more versed in the '71 model, but I agree with @str12-340 that the 5,000 number, mentioned earlier, seems high for the 1970 Dart GT production.

When I got my '71 Dart GT I contacted the folks at Chrysler Historical. I was told a lot of the records they had were destroyed in a fire, but the gentleman I spoke with told me there was ~96,*** Darts produced in 1971 of which ~1.3% of them were the GT model. He also mentioned he could not remember the Slant6 vs. 318 break down.

Speaking about my car, yes it is a rare car, but that in itself doesn't make it valuable. With that said, I have made some changes that I wanted to. So, build it how you want!!