Pressing Piston Wrist Pins

The first issue that needs to be addressed is most often there’s not enough clearance from the pin to the piston. I like to set them at about 0.0010. I’ve hung hundreds of sets of pistons when i worked in a shop. Didn’t come across many sets of pistons that had the proper or enough piston to pin clearance. Then you need a rod heater that evenly heats up the rod end. If your good with it you can do it without turning the rod blue with too much heat. Sure you can heat the end of the rod with a torch. It’s not even heat though and you can easily damage the rod end. Chances are having no experience doing this you are going to stick a pin before it’s in the proper spot. You cannot them just press it out against the piston. As stated above that will ruin the piston. You need an OTC fixture so you can press against the rod. So even with my experience hanging rods there’s no way I would do this at home without the proper equipment. So no there’s is no magic but, proper tools are key..