Radiator tips for 67 Dart with 440

As soon as I turned east and had the wind bucking me, the temp dropped straight to 200 and hovered between 190 and 200.
I'm assuming with everyone you all have hinted at and given tips on it would be that I just need better cooling fans?
I think you nailed it.

On a 440HO, (I've never had a BB):
If it was mine

I would put a 7-blade all-steel, hi-attack angle, fan on it, with a HD thermostatic clutch; PLUS a Hi-flow water pump and stat; and making sure the lower hose has an anti-collapse spring in it; and either swap the rad to anything that fits or move it forward.
In that way, when the engine is running, so is the stinking fan; and I never have to go thru life worrying about the stinking electrical system again. If it cools OK parked and at idle, forget the shroud. If it doesn't, then first I would look at the idle-timing and Transfer-Slot exposure, and if that is reasonably close, THEN go hunt up a shroud.
That is what I would do. ......
What you do is up to you......
If your engine is mechanically sound and your TC is not trashed, I can almost guarantee you that your cooling system problems are a thing of the past.

As to pulley sizes; While a agree with RatB, I feel that this is one of the last things to look at; but only because I have a 367HO with a manual trans,(no trans-cooler) and unlike an automatic, the revs are always up. Furthermore, I often shift mine at 7000 or more, and so, She does not need to be overdriven.