Reunited after 36 years 71 Demon 340

I purchased off the original owner in 1977 who I worked with at Alpha Beta grocery store in Los Gatos Ca. I’m still in contact with him as well. I sold it in 1985 to neighbor friend and tried to buy it back when I could locate him couple times over the next 15 years. I lost contact but new he still had the car fast forward to March of 2022 another friend from the neighborhood who grew up with us is a local Fireman he ran a call and it was the current owner of Demon that I had sold it to in 1985. He mentioned he wanted to sell it and the rest is history.I asked the original owner why he ordered the sunroof he said he wanted a metal sunroof but it showed up with the roll back he was not happy. The car was built 3/22/71 delivered 4/20/71 so reorder was not an option so he keep the car.He really enjoyed the large top as time went on.Yes V3X car from the factory No fable car hear just a real deal V3X….

I love this. That car was meant to be yours for sure. I think most people that have taken to the hotrod lifestyle have that 1 special vehicle that they wished they'd never let go. You're fortunate enough to get yours back. Which gives the story closure. This brightened my day. Thank you for sharing