Magnum head porting for the beginner

I will wear that, as a badge of honor!
In this article, I set out to remove the mystery that has cloaked the subject of porting for decades.
While it's not for everyone, and it does require some talent, as well as a degree of aptitude.
If some basic steps are made, almost everyone can enjoy success. Not all heads are created equal, obviously..
I made my first flow test in 1991, and was hooked! And while I had access to 2 flowbenches, I HAD to have one of my own. Figured out how they worked and built my own, and in '97 bought my first legitimate one.
I entend no malice to those making a living in this arena! In the wake of manufacturers offering more and more cylinder heads, the professional porters job gets more complicated by every new product. When it becomes easier AND more cost effective to buy the latest shiny object, why would anyone choose to call a porter??
Well for the rest of the enthusiasts who can't afford either, but have the time... there remains a vacuum to be filled.
The only other reasoning is, I've seen a lot of port work, in my years, that has turned cyl heads into 50# ankors. If I can lend some help to the well meaning car nut, I'm glad to do it.
Every head is indeed different and can be a new challenge. For instance what makes a factory 360 head work so well ported ...does not exist in a speed master aluminum head. Most of the cheap aluminum crap flat out sucks.
Too big in the wrong areas, seat too big for how they're installed-zero shaping/transition where the cyl wall intake chamber meets the seat. Its shaped like an L . Garbage most of this crap is as if it were aimed at 4.100+ bores.
By might think they would just start focusing on affordable offset rocker kits and geometry shims... just knock the pinch out and work the heads to their full potential...which is too close to whats offered out there if ya want to spend the extra 2200. I have a speed master AL as cast that flows right with everybody else's in 2 ports then 1 port over flows barely 230's, crap low lift, measures smaller about everywhere.

People take those right out the box and run them.