Found: 1970 Dart Custom GT A65 code Burnt Orange 318 3 spd on the floor

I came here for help but the responses from all the doorknobs drowned out any real help.

Your information is a bit off. As others have said 70 GTs also could be had with a slant 6. Yes they had more trim than a Swinger unless you ordered the extra trim on your Swinger. I described above (post 27) the differences beyond the console and buckets in the interior. The one I have came with the sway bar package and K/H disc brakes and an 8 3/4, but I think that they were all added to the A65 package, not a part of it. I have never seen stripes on a 70 Dart that were not the bumble bee sort and they only came on 340 Swingers. Where is the accent stripe that you mention?

What specific questions do you want answered?