Really!!!! sub standard repair.

Just remember with seam sealer, it's not for covering up bad welds, it's for doing exactly what the name implies. Sealing the welded seam. Spot welding leaves unwelded sections between each spot weld. That means moisture can get between those sections. For me, seam sealer is a part of the job. Without it, your work is compromised.

Very true.

but i'm sure on the packaging it wont say "also useful to cover up the sh**iest of welds and hide the fact there are no welds in large areas" like the original 'welder' had used it for.

the old seam sealer used when the vehicle body was assembled in '66 is flaking off and will need redoing when all the modifications are done. So it will be seeing some seam sealer.

So how do you swap the steering box to the right side ?

you can't

so i'm converting it to power rack. and centralizing the engine. and modifying the oil filter housing. and introducing way more Caster by moving the K frame forward slightly. etc