fix up the new website

There is new software in the works. (same as FCBO, FEBO, FMJ, and Trucks. You may like it or not.
I have news for you. Phlackebooke Blows. Plus it sucks. The search function SUCKS. There is no "one site" on Phlukebookeaw as things are divided into "groups."
Like I said I wasn't complaining, this place ain't the same since we got the new servers, we have plenty of traffic now ,a lot of folks from here are also on facebook, not deleating the for sale ads serves no purpose, there are ads years old maybe a decade old so if You can find something untruthful about what I mentioned then I Guess your input should be more than welcome, You might notice I didn't come on here saying this place blows or mention any of that crap that you are talking about. Have a nice day !!!