How excited do you get about racing ??

Excited about racing? Born and raised in it, so yes it still jacks me up. True story, when I was finally old enough to go to a race with my father and his buddies I rode on the beer cooler in the back of the parts van pulling the car. My job was to hand beers up front to the guys driving and sitting in actual chairs. They allowed me a sip per beer as I had to open them and pass them up front. Need to pee? There was no stopping, simply pull the side door open and let it go. Yep pee down side of van! When we finally arrived at track and rolled up to tech they opened the back door to the van and all the beer cans they had unceremoniously thrown at me the whole trip fell out on the ground. The official was not amused and demanded a cleanup. They gave me the order and trying to show I belonged and was mature I stood up in the van and started to walk out, I promptly bashed my head on the top of the door jamb and fell very ungracefully like my feet had been jerked out from under me onto the pile of beer cans. The official looked at my Dad and said I believe this one is done and walked away! I don’t remember how old I was, but just tall enough to stand up in a van! Maybe 10? Different times, from long ago. yet the smell of the track still gives me the same feeling all these years later. It is in our blood!