Hard to have a nice yard, when neighbors have a Dandelion Nursery!

We have what is called”landscapers” here. They take care of yards get rid of weeds fertilize pick up sticks and actually make lawns beautiful. All you have to do is send them a check every month and your neighbors lawn will be”lawn of the month”! You will love the results!!!!
This is why young folks need to make "six figures" because they pay folks for everything including cooking and doing the dishes...I knew a single thirty something woman who lived alone and paid a maid to clean her house. I was like "how messy can it be if you pick up after yourself...?

P.S. my yard was nice until I had a well dug and the drillers destroyed it...the neighbors wife handed my wife a landscaper card i said " I just shelled out 20 grand tell her to mind her own effin business..." I have been working it and have it smoothed out, and I seeded once. The natural grass is slowly growing back in, and the wife is like "it will take forever" I said "grass seed is $50 for 20 lbs I will seed it later after the natural stuff starts overtaking it...I figure a landscaper will gouge me another 10 grand I can wait. I am no expert but there is a trick, you let the existing grass grow long, then mow it and blow the clippings on the bare spots = free seed or that's my plan anyway...:)