Hard to have a nice yard, when neighbors have a Dandelion Nursery!

My saying to my neighbors is "pick your *****..." Many people ***** about my next door neighbor and his lawn especially my wife LOL the weeds the dandelions and the general lack of maintenance...
About 20 years ago I had a house where we had drug dealers across the street and that was a complete nightmare.. I would come home from work at 4:00 in the morning from the graveyard shift and there would be people outside like it was a 7-Eleven... I would call the police and say did they open a 7-Eleven across the street from my house?..
While My neighbor next door doesn't keep his yard very well that just reflects on him and he's embarrassed half the time to even talk about it but he's the one who brings it up... I like the fact that they're very nice good-natured people and their children are nice and good natured that it could be worse they could be drug addicts and selling drugs and attracting those kind of people...
I.e. pick your *****....