Why a Jeep Owner Is Being Sued for a Mechanic's Death During a Dealership Oil Change

dealership is totally liable for this issue , vehicle was in their care and their employees where performing the repairs per the dealerships own employees directing the repairs to said vehicle . but those lawyers will drag everyone into court , because their looking for the big payday . deep pocket deal . a friend of mine was sued for selling a rim to a guy that had another company to put the tire on it and mount it to the car , and yes that tire came off the car and people got hurt bad . now my friends company had to pony up funds for their attorney , and he was resolved of any wrong doing . but it cost his company to hire and pay the attorney for his time . which i might add was , 20 times the profit of the rim sold . all do to the lack of responsible employees . sorry about the other guy that should have been driving the jeep and not the unlicensed one .